What is a Website? Elements, Types, and Other 9 Basic Information

In simple terms, a website is a collection of webpages interlinked with one another and accessible through a URL or IP address with the help of a browser like Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, or Firefox. Generally, all the webpages are located in the directory of a server which constitutes a website. The hosting computer is called the server which stores all digital information and the client one is necessary to handle the site.

website details,classification and components.

A site is necessary to run a blog, business, woo-commerce, e-commerce, educational program, and other several initiatives. Generally, all the websites in the world constitute the world wide web.

Who First Created Website?

It was Tim Berners-Lee who, first of all, created the webpage, and the first webpage was launched on the 6th Aug,1991, and is active till now. He created HTML, URL, and HTTP Protocol which are nowadays used in making websites. The first website’s URL was: ” http://:info.cern-ch/hypertext//www/The project.html “. Actually, he wanted to know and share information through a wide network using a couple of computers while he was working at CERN in 1989 in Geneva in Switzerland.

Are There How Many Websites In The World?

Now the number of websites in the world is increasing day by day. Although there were only 10 websites in the world at the beginning of 1992. When the CERN made the world wide web (w3) technology available on a royalty-free basis in 1993, then people started to make more sites that now encompassed the whole world. That number grew to 3000 in 1994. According to a survey made by Statista, there were about 1.72 billion websites in the world as of October 28, 2019, of which about 200 million are active now.

How To Open a Website?

To open or view a website you need a browser like chrome, safari, internet explorer, or Firefox. Put the URL of the page on the address bar of the browser you are using and click on the enter button. For example, if you are willing to open Google then put the homepage URL of this like ” https://www.google.com or www.google.com on the address bar of your browser and press the enter button, and meanwhile, you will see the homepage of google.

Type the address of your site in the address bar of your browser and hit the Enter in order to open your site.

Know that when you are going to open a site, then you will first see the homepage on which the important posts,links,menu,and posts are displayed for better user experience.

How To Visit a Website?

You have to visit a website when you are about to search a term, a keyword, or a page that is displayed on the screen. So type the desired keyword/s or your queries on the search box or blank address bar of your browser properly and press the enter button. Here you should not put the particular URL of a term because against a query a huge number of answers will be presented to the end-users. Furthermore, it is very hard to remember the related URL of a web post, hence just to place the term or your question that may be a single word or a long-tail keyword on the search bar will suffice. You will be promptly shown a lot of answers by the search engine. Now to visit the post or page just click on the post title that is with the complete URL and your browser will take you to that particular web resource. Thus you can visit and browse any web post or page you like.

The Difference Between a Website and a Webpage?

The difference between a website and a webpage must be marked to have a better understanding. Generally speaking, a website is a container of many web pages or simply a series of pages containing various texts, pictures, media, or anything else. On the other hand, a webpage is a single entity having text, pictures, or other media within the website. All webpages together constitute a website that can contain many webpages, as Quora contains about 37,500,000 pages indexed by Google. Whatever post you make, must stay on a page that may be grouped into different categories, such as homepage, service, contact, about, post/blog, or anything else based on your need. But generally, posts are displayed on blog pages or post pages.

Who Can Create Websites On Internet?

As to the creation or making of a website, there is no legal hindrance, insofar as it does not make anything that is restricted or prohibited by the government. Any person, businessman, government, or company can make it on the internet. Nowadays there are billions of sites on the internet, controlled, maintained, and run by various kinds of people around the world. You too can create a website either for free or on a contractual basis. There are various CMS platforms to build a site like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Magento, etc. If you don’t know to code, then don’t become too anxious, technology has made everything easy. Then I recommend, that you should choose WordPress because it lets you create a site without coding.

Are you thinking about the cost? There are many free website hosting providers and you can choose to start your site from scratch at no cost.

How To Write On a Website?

In order to write on the website, first of all, you have to create a page or post from the WP-Admin panel in the following way: WP-Admin>>post>>add new. By clicking on add new you will be provided a blank page where you can write or add anything else you like. Similarly, you can add a new post from the post section and write any post in the following manner: WP-Admin>>post>>add new.

The function of a Website

Websites are used to perform various kinds of works like reading an article, or a post, hearing audio or watching a video, etc. Now you can purchase products, express opinions, ask question-answer, sell goods and do a lot of work. Many people, universities, colleges, self-help organizations, and educational institutes now run online courses through sites that have made narrowed the gap between time and space. As for example, Amazon, Facebook, Shopify, Flipkart, and Alibaba—— They all are international sites people use to sell and buy products. In Quora, you can ask and answer any question on a lot of subjects.

What are The Elements of a Website?

There are many elements of a website of which it consists, such as a domain name, URL, a list of several important pages such as a homepage, blog/postage, a server, and other various components. Briefly speaking, the homepage is the first page of a site that a visitor lands on while going to visit it. It contains important links, and a navigation menu including a header, footer, and other specific posts.

URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator’ which is a kind of URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) that points to a specific location, i.e., where the web resources such as posts, pages, pictures, video, audio, or any web element reside. A URL is typed on the address bar of a browser to open or visit a webpage or website.

TLD(Top Level Domain) refers to the last part of the domain name that comes after the dot(.). Actually, it points to the type of domain name. There are about 1200 kinds of TLDs approved and recognized by the ICANN. The most popular ones are .com, .org, .net, .info, .co etc.

A server is a computer that stores all files and provides data to many other back-end users’ computers. In fact, a server gives data to the system on LAN(Local Area Network) or WAN(Wide Area Network) as per user request. The client is one that handles the website from remote access.

IP address is a kind of numerical address assigned to each device when they are connected to a computer network with the help of Internet protocol.

Difference Between Static and Dynamic Website.

Based on structure, websites can be divided into two types, viz,(a) static websites and (b) dynamic websites. A Static site is easy to create. It does not need any programming language. Just by using HTML, developers can create such a kind of website. Here the content is not changed unless the developer updates or changes the webfile/s. Flexibility is the main advantage of such a kind of site.

On the other hand, making a dynamic website is difficult. It needs programming language and expertise. You cannot create such kind of site provided that you are not skilled in programming such as ASP.NET, JSP.PHP, etc. It contains server-side code and CMS(Content Management System) is the main advantage of a dynamic website.

Types of Websites.

Besides, based on the content and articles, websites can be classified into several groups such as blog(weblog), business, e-commerce, community, information, gaming, government, malicious website, review, educational, school-based, search engine, social networking site, social news website, personal website, etc.

Blog: A blog(weblog) is an online site run by a writer, blogger, or by a small group of people. It provides information on a particular subject or on various matters. Here the information is displayed in reverse chronological order, that is to say, the latest posts are displayed first.

E-commerce: E-commerce is a site that sells products, accepts payments, and works as an online store like www.shopify.com, www.ebay.com, www.amazon.com, etc. There are numerous e-commerce sites in the world run by various business owners. You too can run such a site only if you have the ability to run and maintain it.

Educational Website: These are designed and built to display information in text, pictures,s or through video. In such kind of portal, you can gain knowledge or write on a subject that you have mastered. www.khanacademy.com falls under this category.

Portal: Portals are mainly used for internal works like business, educational institutions, or schools. For more fair and formal transactions these kinds of websites involve a login process allowing the newcomer to access the site or giving permission to the employees to their emails and files together.

News or Magazine: News or Magazine website provides its readers with up-to-date current affairs, news, and various means of entertainment. There are many news websites in the world such as www.theforbes.com, www.thehindu.com, cnn.com, bbc.com, etc.

Social media: There are many social media sites like Facebook.com, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumbler, Instagram, Vimeo, Youtube, Tiktak, etc. Through these sites people of one country or region can know, share, and exchange their opinions, thoughts, events, occasions, images, or ideas with other users. Nowadays social media users are increasing by leaps and bounds owing to its easy-to-use features.

TV or Video Streaming: These sites display video in HD forms like television or Netflix or BBC’s iPlayer. Such kinds of sites nowadays gain more popularity as viewers like to watch more than hear audio or read text.

Review Website: In the review website, the users express their experience, advantages as well as disadvantages of using products in their own way. If you are going to buy any product you can check its merits, and demerits from other customers who have already used this. Here is an experienced customer you can ventilate your own opinions regarding the products you enjoyed. Thus to know these you need to see others’ comments, ratings, and evaluations. From this perspective, it is very helpful for the users. Mouthshut.com is an example of such kind of site.

Government Website: It is a kind of site that provides different kinds of government information to the public for better intercommunication, sharing opinions, lodging complaints, and registering names or other details to access government services and other products. Such kinds of sites are owned and run by a department of government. As for example www.upsc.in, www.india.gov.in, etc.

Search Engine Website: A search engine is an online software system or web-based online tool that has its own small bots and crawlers to yield search results from its database against every inquiry. There are many search engines, e.g., Google, Bing, Yahoo, Duck Duck Go, Wikipedia, etc. The top-ranked search engines have their own algorithmic metrics to work as well.

Informational Website: On such kind of site people can get various information on various subjects. They need not read books and go to the library in the traditional way, rather they make search on Google and find result instantly. Many people are now teaching classes, providing tutorials, and running various programs around the globe.

Malicious Website: Generally speaking, a malicious site tries to install malware(a simple term used for anything that disrupts the computer system, collects information secretly, or even sometimes controls your whole machine) into your device and causes havoc on it. A malicious file or app is software that enters your computer system and starts to download without granting permission. It commits fraudulent activities like stealing sensitive information (like atm Card no, CVV or address, etc.). It injects malicious codes, adware, spyware, rootkit, etc.

Gaming Website: On a gaming site, the onlookers interact with a user interface to produce feedback on video devices like laptop monitors or TV screens. There are many gaming sites in the world, such as Tiktak.com, 9game.com, etc.

Photo Sharing: Such kinds of sites allow users to share and download photos freely. You can upload photos, if you have high-quality images then you can upload them on a paid basis so that people can purchase them for commercial purposes. As for example, www.pixabay.com, www.flickr.com, etc.

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